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Chinese translation for "ratio of damping"


Related Translations:
collisionless damping:  无碰撞阻尼
horizontal damper:  水平减震器
damping ceramics:  衰减陶瓷
stack damper:  烟道挡板烟道调节风门烟道闸
change damper:  调节风门
ventilating damper:  通风闸
distributed damping:  分布阻尼
louver damper:  百叶窗式挡板调节风口
fire damper:  挡火板防火挡板防火阀防火风门防火风闸防火闸火灾阻止器
damped filter:  阻尼滤波器
Example Sentences:
1.After considering the influences of the tensility performance and ratio of damping on the earthquake action of steel structure , the reference formula to design the earthquake force based on the is given
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